Churches of all sorts, up and down the land, are facing challenging times as we cope with a shrinking church footprint.
But is that shrinkage a sign of inevitable decline….
Or is it reminding us that the living God we say we follow,
Calls us continually to re-form in the light of God’s being a God who is very definitely the same: yesterday, today and forever,
And yet is, at the same time, new every morning?
The Church of Scotland has a commitment to serve every community in the land – but how can we do that with the limited resources we have? People-wise and financially?
The former Presbytery of Duns believes that what Jesus calls us to do is to release the gifts and the talents of the whole people of God.
What was the Presbytery of Duns ceased to be an independent entity on December 31st 2022. The county of Berwickshire and Berwick is now part of the much larger Presbytery of Lothian and Borders and while that may offer wider opportunities and possibilities, those who live and work here in the eastern end of the Border lands are passionate about the people of this area - and we want to make sure they’re not lost or forgotten.
This is why there are inspiring and innovative plans about how the 4 ministries this area will be given, might be used.
Each of the 4 ministers appointed, will have a parish – but they will also carry wider responsibilities across the eastern borders: for worship, education, mission, and pastoral care – to ensure congregations across the county are helped to thrive – and to grow!
I am hoping that when the name ‘Presbytery of Duns’ disappears next year, we will retain our own unique identity in this part of the world and more specifically in the way we serve our people.
You may have noticed the banner at the top of this video. It had the name “Abvcos” with an upside-down ‘A’ in the middle. Abvcos stands for Across Borders – then the upside-down ‘A’ is a mathematical sign that means ‘for all’ and ‘cos’ Church of Scotland –
And the tagline is – "where it all adds up".
Because we want people’s lives to add up… to make sense…. to be full.
And eternal.
Here and everywhere.

...to thrive – and to grow...



In The
Weekly Worship offers individuals and congregations a range of suggested material which can be used to develop worship.
Each week writers from across the Church of Scotland present themes, prayers and sermon ideas based on the Revised Common Lectionary and the all-age worship magazine, Spill the Beans. Weekly Worship also includes musical suggestions from the Church of Scotland Hymnary.
Christian stewardship recognises that everything we have belongs to God and that we are called to care for all that God has given to us. We are honoured to be given this role.
Intentional and meaningful stewardship in every aspect of our lives brings honour to God, helps us grow as followers of Jesus and furthers God's mission in the world.
The Learn initiative provides publications and conferences that will excite, inspire, and equip local congregations in pursuing Christian discipleship.
This social media stuff is not intended to replace individual congregations’ social media presence – neither is it intended to replace the current Presbytery presence, it’s simply offering another, accessible gateway for people across the eastern part of the borders to help think about life and faith –
The plan is to create videos and podcasts people can hook in to under the Abvcos banner – with thoughts, interviews and conversations: some light-hearted and others more serious – all of them though, pointing to the people, planet and world God invites us to care for and about.
Let’s help to ensure, "it all adds up", in these border lands...
The Very Rev Dr Susan Brown