All change!
The Church of Scotland has been re-arranging almost all its (our) structures. The changes have been, for many, a wake-up call and a difficult and painful experience.
But then, nothing ever stays the same. If we look at the world around us we see rivers changing their courses; seas shifting and depositing sands in new places, stars and planets burning out as new ones are born. It seems the ancients were right, for everything there is a season.
Perhaps we have been a bit slow to recognise those seasons within the life of the church.
What was the Presbytery of Duns, is now a mission area within the much larger Presbytery of Lothian and Borders. That new and much bigger Presbytery covers all of East Lothian, Melrose and Peebles and Jedburgh as well as Berwickshire and Berwick. That’s huge!
We aim to continue to work together as a team in our wee corner, pooling ministry and resources to help and to encourage each other so that we don’t just maintain a Christian presence here, but grow Christian communities which worship and care for and which love and serve, God and God’s people both within and beyond our congregations.

These are challenging but exciting times! We have the chance to think creatively about how and where and when we meet together to explore issues of faith.
Perhaps we should be, literally, walking together and talking? How about meeting in the great outdoors to find God in creation? Or using crafts or food or exercise as a way of ‘doing’ church? And using local cafes or pubs to meet?
How can we treasure creation and see our care of it as an expression of our faith?
Can we offer prayer spots for people? Quiet and safe spaces for people simply to sit? Any day of the week?
And what can we offer our children and y
oung people as they explore and engage with this wonderful life they have been given, in ways that help them to grow and in ways that enrich them?
The church and its people are called too, to serve others: others immediately around us in the places in which w
e live, but also others in the much wider world community. How do we pursue justice in the world? And peace?
And there lies another truth! There are always more questions than answers!
Our main aim continues to be to follow Jesus and his example of a life of worship, love and service. The word ‘follow’ is important. It means we are not the ones in front. In everything we trust that Christ goes before us and leads the way. Our job is let him.